Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dailog Work Process(D)



                                Dailog Work Process(d)

A.    Dialog work process is used to handle by the user request only
B.    Dialog work process parameter name is – rdisp\wp_no_dia=2
C.    Dialog work processes are minimum 2
       One is user request running another one is distributing the work process
D.    Each request occupies 75mb to 150mb
E.    Dial work process is multiplexive
       Multiplexive means at a time one (or) more use request is running
F.    The user request handle by the dialog work process maximum up to 1800 seconds
G.    If the user request 600 seconds default in that time data is not completed   then user request is  
        session is terminated                     
H.    No of Dialog work process >= No of non Dialog work process
I.    Dialog work process time out parameter is
       rdisp\max_wp_run_timeout=600 to 1800
J.    One dialog work process maximum up to 32 users are we can create
K.    One application server maximum up to 100 work process are we can create
L.       Work process statuses are
          1)    Waiting
          2)    Running
          3)    Error
          4)    Stopped
          5)    Private mode: Dedicated to the particular user
          6)    Sleep: Work process is running but not responding

        Why: Waiting for resources
M.    In sap level work process overview – SM50
N.     In sap level global work process overview – SM66
O.     In O.S level work process overview – dpmon
         Dpmon: when the user could not login to the sap system
P.      In sap level display a list of application server – SM51
Q.     In sm51 transaction to identify the Relesenote, the R/3 kernel, D/B kernel, O.S. Kernel and          support packages information
R.    In sap level version statuses are – system ---> status
S.    In O.S level version we can see – disp+work
T.    How to user request flow?
       User request ---> dispatcher ---> work process ---> dialog work process ---> update the            tables


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